Thursday, January 20, 2011

Things To Think About While Thinking

Another Article,

This will be an ever updated article. (It might help people understand a little better if you read "The Allegory of the Cave")-Not my article, written by Plato.... Just incase you didn't know.

~How can you prove you will die if you have never died, only heard other people die?
~Have you ever been to the moon? How do you prove it is real and not just fabricated?
~You can not see behind you without a mirror. How do you prove there is anything that goes on without      
   you seeing it, or is reality only what you know happens in front of you?
~You can not know what I am thinking, nor can you prove what I see is exactly what you see. How do    
   you know that my reality is the same as your reality? Is blue the same to you as it is to me? Or do you 
   think that because in your reality I agree with you?
~If humans for centuries have been able to take an unknown or even dead language and translate it, also if  
   an ape can learn our language even if it is sign language.. Why can we not translate animal language,  
   because all animals communicate to each other?
~What would you do for a Klondike Bar?
~If the universe is not infinite, what is on the other side?
~If the universe is infinite, is there a center, beginning, end, left, right, ect..?
~If you build a house with all sides facing south and a bear walks by, what color is it?
~If human is to error, and God made us in the image of himself... Than... well you finish the question.
~If Elvis is still alive is he hanging with Tupac?
~(Here is a long one) Everything in the Universe is made up of atoms. Atoms are moving particles of 
   electrons and protons rotating around a nucleus. So if even "solid" objects are actually moving, why can't 
   we just move these atoms to the side and walk through walls?

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