Thursday, January 20, 2011

Things To Think About While Thinking

Another Article,

This will be an ever updated article. (It might help people understand a little better if you read "The Allegory of the Cave")-Not my article, written by Plato.... Just incase you didn't know.

~How can you prove you will die if you have never died, only heard other people die?
~Have you ever been to the moon? How do you prove it is real and not just fabricated?
~You can not see behind you without a mirror. How do you prove there is anything that goes on without      
   you seeing it, or is reality only what you know happens in front of you?
~You can not know what I am thinking, nor can you prove what I see is exactly what you see. How do    
   you know that my reality is the same as your reality? Is blue the same to you as it is to me? Or do you 
   think that because in your reality I agree with you?
~If humans for centuries have been able to take an unknown or even dead language and translate it, also if  
   an ape can learn our language even if it is sign language.. Why can we not translate animal language,  
   because all animals communicate to each other?
~What would you do for a Klondike Bar?
~If the universe is not infinite, what is on the other side?
~If the universe is infinite, is there a center, beginning, end, left, right, ect..?
~If you build a house with all sides facing south and a bear walks by, what color is it?
~If human is to error, and God made us in the image of himself... Than... well you finish the question.
~If Elvis is still alive is he hanging with Tupac?
~(Here is a long one) Everything in the Universe is made up of atoms. Atoms are moving particles of 
   electrons and protons rotating around a nucleus. So if even "solid" objects are actually moving, why can't 
   we just move these atoms to the side and walk through walls?

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Alien Visitor Theory

And so begins another article.

     Man, for ages, has looked into the sky and wondered "are we alone in the universe." The debate over alien life goes on and on. With numerous videos, pictures and personal accounts it is hard not to wonder. Yet, someone comes along to disprove all of those notions and the debate continues on.

     One of the biggest debate over intellegent alien life is that the expanse of space is too large for any civilization to travel. (excluding wormhole theory). So lets take a look at aliens in a different light. For this article to work we have to believe that evolution is a constant. Meaning that it is true and not just a theory... Because it still is a theory. That's beside the point, so for this article's reference we will say that it is a law.

     Thousands of years in the future we have developed time travel. (Refere to my time loop theory and time travel article to grasp the idea of traveling through time.) So we, as humans, can travel back and forth through time. Skip to evolution. The human race devolped from a species similar to primates. Through dietary changes (vegetation to mainly a meat protien diet), and crainial size due to a growing brain, walking upright, ect. we now look the way we do today.

     All of this happened over millions of years. Skip a million or two into the future from our present time. Due to evolution the human species should look different. Take in account our species and the environment we live in. We are a technological based society. Humans do less work while machines and computers take on more of  our daily jobs. We will soon have no need for muscle mass, for sitting at a computer control station requires little strenuous movement. So, do we get fatter or skinnier? Due to vitamins, protein shakes, ect., our bodies will be able to sustain off of little to no actual "food". Sorry McDonald's your out of business. Getting fatter is out of the question, unless we branch into two different species. Developing a smaller frame body is where we are heading.

     While our bodies get smaller from not eating high quantities of fatty foods, our mouths and jaws too will get smaller. Without the constant communication between each other, due to computers taking over that job also, we will have no need for ears. Anyways, we will be telepathic by then because of our brains being integrated into computers. (Already happening by the way) In that case, our brain and cranium cavity will get larger, much larger to process more information quickly. Finally, we will need much larger eyes to process the light information coming from large or multiple computer screens each individual will have to use on a daily bases to conduct the world's business.

     So, we have concluded that because environment and evolution, a million years from now, humans will be very skinny, small mouthed, little to no ears (telepathy), larger brained (head) and larger eyes. Oh, also pale to grey skinned (no need to go outside, machines will do that work for us). And, thus is how humans will look a million years from now. Refer to the images to see the progress of the evolution of man.


       The final image is us from the future. The "Aliens" we are most familiar with are not actually aliens. They are our future selves traveling back in time to see what they (we) were like in our past or present, how ever you want to look at it.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Time Loop Theory & Time Travel

     This article will describe the possibility of time travel. Such description will use an already developed theory of universal expansion and depletion. 
      In the beginning there was absolute vacuum. Thus, there was nothing and out of nothing came an explosion. Later this explosion will be called, "The Big Bang." Cosmic dust and elements joined together and slowly over billions of years stars and planets formed. 13.6 billion years after the unsought of "The Big Bang," life began to form on a tiny planet in the Milky Way galaxy. This life sprouted "Man" and man questioned everything to the point of annoyance. It was man who dreamed of the creation of the universe and theorized it's beginning.


     The big bang theory has been around for a few decades now. It is one of the most recognizable theories on universe creation. Basically, in the beginning there was absolute nothing and out of an infinite point, gas and elements began to expand. This expansion continued expanding until present day, and in one theory, will keep expanding to infinity and beyond.

     There is a second theory to the big bang.  Several physicists describe the beginnings of the  big bang in the same way. Infinite point, expansion, universe creation, stars, planets, ect. Yet, they believe that the universe will not expand into infinity. They theorize that when the known universe reaches a certain size, gravity will over power the force of expansion and pull the universe back into the big bang, or "The Little Bang." In retrospect, creating another  big bang, universe and planets the cycle resumes. This cycle of big bang to little bang to big bang continues over and over again, thus creating a "Universal Loop."

Big Bang~Infinity

Big Bang~Loop



  I will be using the "Universal Loop" theory along with Einstein's theory that time is a fabric similar to the fabric of space. Time will bend and distort depending on gravity. It is no longer a lineal concept. (So get that out of your head. ) Time goes in all direction, forwards and back. (Time is the fourth dimension, incase you were wondering.)

     Now that there is a foundation to begin off of, The following is the theory of "Time Loop" and "Time Travel." Try to keep up, and take notes if you have to. 

     Based on the universal loop and time being a fabric in space, (not a single line or only forward moving) time travel is essential breaking off of the loop. Traveling diagonally in the loop will bring you to a different point in space time. Therefore you will be either forward or back in time depending on your direction traveled. 

Time & Space as a Loop

Follow the arrow, and travel in time!
     Take this idea further. Picture the loop as a rubber band, now pinch one end. (Use your imagination, sorry there is no illustration, I got bored.) Pinching the rubber band in specific places will make time traveling more accurate. This will keep you from popping up in the past or future during a catastrophic event and being destroyed.

    Now, I know what you are thinking. You-"But Dave, how can we physically travel off of the loop. I grew up being taught time is what makes the day go by. And besides we do not have the technology for traveling through space in such great distances"? Me-"Remember, time is not lineal. It is not a forward moving, one line, one direction entity. Time is a fabric which can be bent, moved or even torn. And the main thing to remember, time is relative to who is experiencing it. We might not even have to leave Earth to travel through time. Using magnets and gravity it is possible to distort time (space) from the comforts of our own houses. Do not worry, I will explain time in more detail in a later article. Also, using magnets and gravity to distort it will be included.

Topics to look forward to

(In no particular order) (BOLD means article has been completed and posted)
  • Magnetism and Space Travel
  • Time Loop Theory & Time Travel
  • Alien Visitor Theory
  • Antichrist and 2012 (This is a good one)
  • Universal Existence (Universe revolves around me explanation)
  • Jesus Christ Rides a Tyrannosaurus Rex
  • How Slasher Films Epitomize the Stupidity of the Human Race
  • Things to Think about while Thinking


Most likely, the majority of these writings will be random ramblings of my mind. Some will be theories I have developed over the years. Anything from time travel to my theory of what aliens actually are may be covered. Then again, it may just be typing what is being thought of at that moment. You may agree or you may disagree, you might have no flipping clue what I am talking about. Don't worry, a lot of people I have come across get confused over my ideals. As far as comments, go ahead and post away. Be forewarned that I refuse to get into any debates over my "theories." The universe revolves around me and I can prove it.